Dollhouse miniature toy designer handbag purse replicas Hermes Dior Louis Vuitton Gucci Chanel

Dollhouse miniature toy designer handbag purse replicas Hermes Dior Louis Vuitton Gucci Chanel

from $5.88

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Does your doll deserve a brand new designer handbag – in miniature size, of course? Yes, we think so!

These are not official merchandise licensed by the respective designer brands. They are just toy replicas.

There is an option to purchase all 13 designs or only designs from each “brand”. Please choose your preferred option from the dropdown menu when purchasing.

The big Chanel and Hermes bags are made of hard plastic and cannot be bent or opened or closed. The rest are made of a rubber PVC material but only the two big Louis Vuitton tote bags in brown and pink have an “opening”. All the other bags are sealed shut and cannot be opened or closed.

These are brand new toys from the manufacturer and have never been played with or put on display. However, please give some leeway for minor scratches or smudges from the manufacturing process.

I did not measure the toys individually but please look at all the photos of them in my hand for a good estimate of their sizes. The biggest pieces are the Chanel and Hermes plastic toys.

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